Ade Ali Greg Marck Michael Pat Seb

Shorthand Bill the Bass

Bill Edmonds

Bill is an old friend of Marck's who joined H.T.Fib to replace Greg Demosthenous on bass in 2010.

Marck and Bill first played together with John Gudge in the Moonlighters back in the early 1980's. Bill played bass with Marck in the Chard Amateur Theatre company's seasonal panto band. He also plays bass tuba for Stoke Sub-Hamdon Band. Bill and Marck next played together in Jean Paul Antoinne's Quarrant Quattre anglo-french band.

Bill Edmonds at Emily's 30th

Beatles, Status Quo, the Kenneth Alford marches

Odessa (Bee Gees), Bridge over Troubled Water (Simon and Garfunkel)

Brass Band, George Chisholme, Acker Bilk, Adge Cutler

Would like to build a 3 inch scale traction engine one day soon